Feedback Any feedback is welcome!

We appreciate any feedback that we get, and would love to hear about your experience using RERAN. Also, if you have any questions feel free to contact us, androidreran (at) gmail (dot) com.

Tested and Working Devices

Below are the devices that have been tested and do work with RERAN. If RERAN works on your device and it is not listed below, please send us an email indicating your device. If you have any special instructions (see "Notes" in below phones) please include those as well. Also, please indicate whether your phone is rooted or not. Thank you!

Phone: HTC Hero
Release date: October 2009
Notes: In order to use adb, you must first start the adb server in priviledged mode.
sudo ./adb kill-server
sudo ./adb start-server
sudo ./adb devices
Rooted: no

Phone: Motorola Droid 1
Release date: October 2009
Notes: Ignore event7, "sensors", the timestamp is not in increasing order.
Rooted: no

Phone: Motorola Droid Bionic
Release date: September 2011
Notes: none
Rooted: yes

Mailing List

You can join RERAN's mailing list for updates and releases.

Download RERAN
Number of Downloads: 12717
Contains the Replay cross-compiled executable
and the Translate jar file. See Software for usage. No compile needed.

Download Paper
ICSE 2013

For questions or feedback:
androidreran (at) gmail (dot) com